Friday, June 20, 2008

Coming Soon "HANCOCK"

Film baru dari Will Smith, Gw nonton trilernya kyk nya ni film rame. Untuk lebih jelasnya kalian bca aja artikelnya

Ada pahlawan, pahlawan super...dan ada Hancock....

Kekuatan besar menopang tanggung jawab besar – semua orang tahu pepatah itu –kecuali Hancock (Will Smith). Tempramen, sarkastik, kepahlawanan Hancock dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dan telah menyelamatkan banyak nyawa, namun meninggalkan banyak kerusakan. Publik beruntung mempunyai pahlawan lokal namun sekaligus mengutuknya

Hancock tidak peduli dengan pendapat orang lain – hingga suatu hari ia menyelamatkan eksekutif humas Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), dan sang pahlawan mulai menyadari bahwa dirinya tidak sehebat itu. Saat menghadapi tantangan terbesar – sekaligus membuktikan dugaan istri Ray, Mary (Charlie Theron) bahwa Hancock hanya penyebab kerusakan

Si The Incredible Hulk: Nostalgia Pecinta Hulk

Nah si makhluk hijau gede alias Hulk ada tuh, sapa yang mau nuntuuuuuun.......katanya sech rame, tp gw lum nuntun tuh, tp kpan2 mau lah. Sebelum nuntun, baca ja artikelnya

ini dia artikelnya

Setelah masa jayanya di tahun 80-an, beberapa sineas berusaha mengangkat kisah 'Hulk' ke layar lebar. Masih sama dengan serialnya, Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) adalah pria menjadi korban percobaan radiasi gamma. Setiap denyut jantungnya melebihi 200 maka ia akan berubah membesar menjadi raksasa hijau yang menakutkan.

Di versi layar lebar 'The Incredible Hulk' kisahnya tak jauh berbeda. Bruce Banner tengah berada di Mongolia, dalam persembunyian setelah tragedi lab percobaan. Ketika itu Bruce yang terpapar sinar gamma berubah menjadi raksasa Hulk, menghancurkan lab, dan menyakiti orang-orang termasuk wanita yang dia sayangi, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler).

Selama persembunyiannya, Bruce hidup normal bekerja di sebuah pabrik dan sukses mengontrol amarahnya. Ia juga mempelajari seni meditasi agar bisa mengatur emosi sehingga tidak berubah menjadi Hulk.

Di tempat yang berbeda di Amerika, ayah Betty Ross masih berupaya melacak keberadaan Bruce. Menemukan Bruce menjadi prioritas karena dengan meneliti gennya, militer bisa menciptakan prajurit-prajurit superpower untuk mempertahankan keamanan.

Aksi pengejaran Bruce ini yang bisa membuat penonton melek sepanjang film. Tak hanya itu, kehadiran Liv Tyler sebagai kekasih Bruce juga cukup menghibur di tengah suasana film yang menegangkan dan penuh dengan aksi kejar-kejaran.

Ketegangan semakin memuncak ketika Hulk bertemu dengan lawan yang seimbang. Adegan pertempuran Hulk dengan lawannya mengingatkan penonton pada film-film semacam 'Godzilla' atau 'Kingkong'.

Secara keseluruhan, film ini cukup lumayan sebagai ajang nostalgia untuk pecinta Hulk. Tapi dari sisi cerita tak banyak berbeda dengan versi televisi, hanya dari sisi efek dan penggarapan yang memang lebih memanjakan mata.

You Belong To Me

This dark composition is about an individual convincing himself that another human being whom he has never met, is his ideal soul mate. The more he goes into the ritual, the thread of conviction gets stronger and his urges to go further using whatever means become more acceptable:

You belong to me
You belong to me
In time you will see
You belong to me

Your apartment window seems so small
Sometimes I can hardly see at all
Your 7AM yoga keeps you fine
Your subway latte is finished just in time

You belong to me
You belong to me
In time you will see
You belong to me

Your office window won't let me in
Why are my calls diverted to him
Your boss is positioning says my hunch
whatever he won't bug your tomorrows walk to lunch

You belong to me
We were meant to be
You belong to me
it's written in destiny
your rat race is history
Were gonna be so happy
In time you will see
You belong to me

As you awake I wipe away your blood
these chains of love are for our trust
Sunrise will chase away your sunset tears
when we reach the land beyond our fears

You belong to me
We were meant to be
You belong to me
it's written in destiny
your rat race is history
Were gonna be so happy
In time you will see
You belong to me

You belong to me
We were meant to be
You belong to me
it's written in destiny
your rat race is history
Were gonna be so happy
In time you will see
You belong to me

Let Any Kingdom Come

You take and treat the one you love the way you know you shouldn't and then you watch her go out with someone who is treating her the way you should have. The guilt keeps making you bleed and more so the lost chance of being with someone you truly love:

Let any kind of Kingdom come
for teasing tomorrow will not hide
me from what I have done
from your tears now sharing my eyes

I shouldn't have said
I shouldn't have did
you shouldn't have dared
can you ever forgive?

and now you...
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him

your new lover is a bum
and you looking serious just terrifies
for is this reality who turns
to tell you what I've always denied

I should have said
I should have did
I should have dared
can you ever forgive

and now you...
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
are you really smiling
are you really trying
does his being really illuminate your soul
my turn for crying
my turn for sighing
these aching red hands can't let go

Bye Bye Baby

Gave my heart and you took it to your best friend for a whirl
got it back all scarred with lies by your caring sisterhood whose so evil

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
bye bye baby
baby bye bye

Take a trip down memory and make sure its a memory not fantasy lane
have the last word for haven't I answered every captured whisper again and again

its so easy to accuse
its so harder to proof
in your world of in-securities
kept alive by someone's jealousy
your just another manipulated fool

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

Have you ever wondered if she's ever had a touch of what you've had
was she around the corner when your heartbreak scenes came back from the past

it's my time to accuse
just look back for proof
in your world of in-securities
kept alive by someone's jealousy
your just another manipulated fool

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
love of my life it's too late

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
got to admit for once I've failed

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
from her painting everything as fate

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
from you seeing your her tail

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

you manipulated fool....